Punmaster™'s Archives

No trip through cyberspace can begin to communicate the thrill of actually looking at rare photos. This multimedia journey is intended to simply provide a glimpse of the days past and share some of the joy of living on the grandest planet in the universe.

Let's go run down the entertainment trail! Remember, you must ALWAYS wear your lifejacket when on the road in the Bay Area. Like Harpo Marx, don't forget to take the Fifth Amendment!


Photo Icon Grateful Dead - "Along the Concert Trail"

Photo Icon Grateful Dead - "Life At The Infrared Warfield"

Jacuzzi Icon The Jacuzzi Blues - "An Oxford Tale of Known Jerome"

Bill Graham Bill Graham - "With Jack Casady in Golden Gate Park"

Bill Graham Bill Graham - "With The Caribbean Allstars in Golden Gate Park"

Martian The Punmaster - "Flower Child - Circa 1967"

Martian My Favorite Martian - "You Gotta Love Those TV Dinners"

Marx Bros. The Marx Bros. - "Them Crazy Marx Brothers"

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